The Bold Solutions Network is a growing community of global problem solvers selected from top-ranking finalists in Lever for Change challenges. We designed the Network to help organizations absorb philanthropic resources at scale and amplify their impact through capacity building, networking, and small grant opportunities. Lever for Change works to raise the profile and visibility of Bold Solutions Network members across our network of donors who are seeking ways to make immediate investments.
Membership Benefits Include:
Visibility Within our Growing Network of Donors
Lever for Change meets with a variety of corporate, institutional, individual, and wealth/philanthropic advisors on an ongoing basis.

For those donors seeking to make immediate investments, or build a pipeline of potential grantees, our team provides advice and curates relevant proposals from our Bold Solutions Network. Working within philanthropists’ interests, we customize lists and profiles of Network members who are working in geographical settings or on problems philanthropists care most about. As philanthropists narrow their selection, we provide additional context and information about the strength of each project, opportunities for team growth, and how the work fits into the overall landscape.
These ongoing services are designed to unlock capital for all members of our network. Occasionally, we may host events with funders interested in specific challenges or topic areas to showcase your ideas and solutions. Learn more about our donor visibility efforts and how you can leverage your membership in your fundraising efforts.
Access to Learning Opportunities, Coaching, and Pro Bono Services
As a member of the Bold Solution Network, you will receive immediate access to Catchafire, an online platform and service designed to address the wide-ranging and complex needs of nonprofits by connecting them with talented pro bono professionals around the world. Your membership includes an unlimited number of participants from your organization, so take advantage of these services, including executive coaching, pitch development, website design, organizational strategy consultation, and more.
Additionally, we offer ongoing learning and networking opportunities from a diverse set of social impact partners who help members with topics ranging from organizational resiliency and leadership to fundraising and more. Sign up for our newsletter and join our Bold Solutions Network LinkedIn group to see the latest offerings! [Please note: this group is for Network members only]
Join the LinkedIn GroupAccess to Annual Small Grant Fund – Swift Grants
We believe bold solutions come in all sizes – even small projects can have a big impact and help change lives. Our Swift Grant fund provides $25,000 grants to support partnership-building between Bold Solutions Network members to tackle the world’s most pressing problems on a small scale. Learn more about Swift Grants and other small grant opportunities.
Participation on Panels
An effective way to raise Bold Solution Network members’ visibility is through participation in various conference panels that reach a wide audience of funders, practitioners, and academics. We assess the thematic needs of the conference, develop the content, and then select Bold Solution Network member panelists based on fit, audience, and topic.
Some examples of past panels in which Bold Solution Network members have participated include: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and Nonprofit Utopia Beyond the Competition. If you know of a conference that could be a fit for a Bold Solution Network panel, please let us know.
Prize Nominations

Lever for Change actively looks for opportunities to nominate members for other prizes. We assess the criteria for each prize and choose nominees from within our network that best fit the criteria.
We have nominated organizations for the Elevate Prize, the Hilton Humanitarian Prize, the Lui Che Woo Prize, The Earthshot Prize, and more. If you come across a prize process that you think could be a good fit for Bold Solution Network members, please contact us.
Share Your Stories of Impact Across our Network
We encourage all Bold Solutions Network members to share their stories of impact. If you have relevant blog posts or news/media stories on the progress of your Bold Solutions Network project we want to know about it. Please connect with us online and tag Lever for Change in your social media posts. Share your posts in the Bold Solutions Network LinkedIn Group, or reach out to us directly to see if the article would be the right fit for us to cross-post on our social channels.
Future Programming
More opportunities for Bold Solutions Network members will be offered in the coming months. Members will be invited to these activities through exclusive email invitations. Stay tuned!