In 2021, Lever for Change introduced the Swift Grants fund, to provide small grants to Bold Solutions Network members for collaborative projects. Since its inception, Bold Solutions Network members have leveraged nearly $450K and their diverse expertise to push bold solutions around the world.

This year, our pool of swift grant awardees brought forth projects focused on refugee empowerment, disability advocacy, language learning for infants who are deaf, and more. Altogether, six projects were awarded swift grants to continue driving impact in their fields.
Congratulations to the 2024 Swift Grants Awardees!
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and Special Olympics: CHAI and the Special Olympics, as well as partners in the Inclusive Health Collective, will work together to develop a report on the “state of funding on disability and health”. This flagship report will be used to drive advocacy and commitment-making at the 2025 Global Disability Summit.
Talent Beyond Boundaries and Asylum Access: Talent Beyond Boundaries and Asylum Access Mexico will develop communications campaigns to share information with the displaced community about opportunities to access decent work in Mexico and abroad. The team will also exchange best practices on how to effectively support refugee employment, develop messaging resources that encourage employers to successfully hire refugees, and implement a case referral system.
IGNITE and Rise Education Fund: IGNITE and Rise Education Fund are powering up young voter mobilization campaigns in 2024, aligning on messaging strategies and together amplifying the work of young voters, activists, and advocates via media opportunities, podcasts, and social media – to show the power of the Gen Z vote.
Motion Light Lab and Project ECHO: Motion Light Lab is partnering with Project ECHO to pilot the ECHO model for addressing language deprivation, aiming to demonstrate and understand its potential to change knowledge, practice, and institutional culture in a key element of the medical system that affects deaf babies, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI).
Power for All and New Energy Nexus: Power for All and New Energy Nexus (NEX) are partnering to adapt and localize an existing solar training program in Uganda that creates pathways for underrepresented communities to access training, internships, and green jobs, and contributes new insights into Uganda’s decentralized renewable energy (DRE) workforce.
Global Clubfoot Initiative and MiracleFeet: RunFree2030 is a global movement of over 60 NGOs in 70+ countries, working together to treat clubfoot worldwide. This project will support their strategy to scale accessible clubfoot treatment across the world and help design programs to help children walk, play, and run free.
Congratulations to the 2024 Swift Grantees!