In this overview by 100&Change recipient, Community Solutions, the team highlights the stories of communities to illustrate how homelessness can be solved by working together, knowing the people experiencing homelessness and their needs, and sustaining the effort long term.
Built for Zero is now a movement of more than 100 U.S. regions committed to measurably and equitably ending homelessness. More than 70 million people live in these communities—about a fifth of the U.S. population. Together, their leaders are building a new reality, where homelessness is rare and brief, if it ever occurs.
The goal is to marshal enough proof to create a tipping point across the country. By 2026, at least 50 U.S. communities will have reached “functional zero” homelessness for 75 populations, including veterans, youth, families, single adults, and people experiencing long-lasting or recurring homelessness. Five of these communities will have ended homelessness outright, for everyone.

Individual organizations cannot get a city or county to zero homelessness on their own, but by working together, a consolidated team can.
Community Solutions