
Bold Solutions Network Experience with Rehmah Kasule
Bold Solutions Network Member and Racial Equity 2030 finalist Pastoral Women’s Council (PWC) participated in a cohort led by our Social Impact Partner, Rehmeh Kasule. Through training, assessments, and mentorship, Kasule worked with the PWC team to improve leadership skills, assess current funding trends, and strengthen communications efforts.

Bold Solutions Network Experience with Catchafire
The Bold Solutions Network is a vital component of our mission to accelerate social change.

The Promise of Mental Health in Texas and Beyond
A collaborative effort to treat mental illness is growing faster and spreading wider than anticipated.

Changing the Way We Care for Families in India
Changing the Way We Care, a global initiative promoting family-based care for all children and a 100&Change finalist in 2017, knows the best place for a child is with family. Jomey Joseph of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) India and Anne Smith of Changing the Way We Care explain why family care is critical to helping families to stay together.

Growing resilience
In 2017, HarvestPlus team members initially shed tears over missing their shot at $100 million to solve ‘hidden hunger’ in Africa. Five years later, the organization is becoming a global force in addressing malnutrition.

Helping Communities End Homelessness
In this overview by 100&Change recipient, Community Solutions, the team highlights the stories of communities to illustrate how homelessness can be solved by working together, knowing the people experiencing homelessness and their needs, and sustaining the effort long term.

Addressing Structural Inequality: New Tool from Center for High Impact Philanthropy
For the last two years, we have worked with the Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) at the University of Pennsylvania to develop a toolkit called “Choosing Change: How to Assess Grant Proposals for Their Potential to Address Structural Inequality.” This free resource includes recommendations and criteria that can help donors who wish to identify ideas and proposals that have the best chance of reducing structural inequalities.

Something ‘amazing’ happened
A plan to reduce Africa’s infant mortality fell short of winning the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s first $100 million competition. Then plan leaders took their show back on the road.

A Year of Opportunity with Per Scholas
In December 2020, premier technology workforce development organization Per Scholas was announced as the awardee of the $10 million Economic Opportunity Challenge. Their “Proven Pathways to Transformative Careers in Tech” project will improve economic opportunities for low-income individuals within the United States.

A Year of Adaptation at Ahlan Simsim
Sesame Workshop was awarded the MacArthur Foundation’s inaugural 100&Change grant, in December 2017, for its collaboration with the International Rescue Committee to create Ahlan Simsim, a show for a rising generation of children affected by conflict and displacement across the Middle East and North Africa. Now, René Celaya of Sesame Workshop and Marianne Stone of International Rescue Committee share lessons learned from Ahlan Simsim's third year.