The SETA Project: Transformative Anti Racist Education Systems in Brazil

Racial Equity 2030

ActionAid, the Brazilian National Campaign on the Right to Education, CONAQ, UneAFRO Brasil, Geledés, Makira-E'ta, and Ação Educativa will work together to transform the Brazilian school network into the world’s first anti-racist education system harnessing youth, education and Black movements and triggering a national healing process.

Last Updated: February 2025

Executive Summary

There is an urgent need for transformative structural change in Brazilian society, which has never addressed a deeply damaging racial divide. The momentum for change is here—young people, education campaigns, and black and indigenous movements are ready to work together. Youth and students, their schools, families, and communities will benefit. The time to act is now given the context of COVID-19 and regressive populist actors promoting conservative social values. SETA project will (1) facilitate national dialogue on structural racism; (2) produce research to enhance advocacy on anti-racist education; (3) influence authorities to implement anti-racist education public policies; (4) support and provide resources for educators to practice antiracist education; (5) mobilise youth to transform school communities and culture to become anti-racist and (6) build solidarity between grassroots movements internationally, promoting international cooperation on anti-racist education by nurturing a global network of activists, campaigners, and researchers sharing learning and practical solutions.

Organization Details
Lead Organization


Organization Headquarters
Gauteng, South Africa
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
Annual Operating Budget
$50.1 to 100 Million

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.


Over the first year of the SETA project, we developed a variety of research and reports to inform project advocacy outreach, including a large report on Perceptions of Racism in Brazil () development of national educational indicators and the educational contexts of young black people, and a Global Database of Anti-Racist Education Initiatives and Organizations. We conducted two multiple seminars , undertook advocacy and education at the local, state, regional, and federal levels for adherence to existing laws on racism in education, and at the global level for inclusion of anti-racist education in key global fora, and undertook a wide publicity campaign in Brazil to mobilize public support for anti-racist education. We reached more than 14,000 people directly, and more than 1 million indirectly.

As this was the first year of the project, we were primarily focused on building a foundation of public support, organizational buy-in, and government cooperation on recognizing the importance of anti-racism in education. We are especially focused on ensuring that project materials and communications are sourced from people, communities, and organizations with lived experience, and are designed and written in contextual, sensitive, and culturally-appropriate language and formats.

The reports and tools developed in Year 1 of the project will be used to provide context and support for subsequent work.

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